Quotidian : Seen, at Zero Station
From March 3rd to April 4th, 2022, the Addison Artist Group will have an exhibit at the Zero Station Gallery in Portland. The show is named: Quotidian : Seen
It will be nice to have a show again in spite of the (hopefully) waning Covid presence that is still with us. I am happy to be showing with such a talented group of artists. The participating artist are: Karen Bushold, Dan Dow, Diane Hudson, Jim Kelly, Ruth Sylmor, Fran Vita Taylor, Dave Wade and Andrea van Voorst van Beest. Zero Station is a small gallery so the exhibit will be small but it will have some fine work. I will be showing the grouping of photographs above called: “Desire & Decadence” that investigates the definition of beauty of the human form.
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