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June 2014: New work and exhibits

I have updated some of the galleries. A number of  NYC subway shots were added to the Black & White /Street gallery. Lately I have been doing quite a few of these and I am intending to eventually put them in a separate gallery.  I added some 2 1/4 work to the “New Stuff” gallery. These are silver gelatin prints that I made of my garden vegetables last year.

Recently, coming back from a trip to the Netherlands and France, I also added some shots from that trip. In Paris, near the famous Rodin sculpture of “the Kiss” I noticed two older people sit behind it and probably contemplate their youth (added in the B&W gallery)

Paris, 2014, "the Kiss"

While In Amsterdam when strolling through the historic (it served the purpose way back in the 17th century) red light district, I could not help but to photograph some of the activities going on.., I loved the reflections in the windows, showing the action in the street. These I kept in color, maybe later to be added to a series called “Red Lights” .

"Red Lights" Amsterdam


Red Lights 2, Amsterdam

Some of this work will be exhibited this June. The subway work will be shown at 3fish on 377 Cumberland Ave in a show with the Addison Woolley Group. It will run through June and the opening reception will be on first Friday, June 6th from 5 to 8 pm. The subway photographs are a nod to the wonderful 1938 “Subway Portraits ”  by Walker Evans. It is strange to compare the differences and similarities between a subway ride in 1938 and in 2013. You will find “class” disappears in the subway, everyone in their own world, many people packed in but still by themselves, reading their own stuff, listening to their own music and alone with their own thoughts.


Uptown Train


Subway Mona Lisa


Subway Portrait # 2


My Garden Vegetables will be shown at “The Pilates Center of Maine”. It is a group show with photographs by Chris Church, installations by Christine Williams, etchings by Andrea van Voorst van Beest and my own vegetable photographs. Reception is from 5 to 8 pm during the artwalk on June 6th. The Center is located at 44 Oak Street, on the corner of Free Street.


Onions #2





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21 May 2014